This weekend, I went to a two-day party in Jackson, Miss. It was sort of a reunion with the college pals. As it was a party, I thought it might be nice to imbibe spirits.
I remembered how, when I was in college, most of us couldn't afford more than Milwaukee's Best, probably the worst beer ever made. To this day, the thought of drinking it makes me gag and I generally drink either High Life or PBR, so I'm hardly a snob. (Yes, someone will suggest otherwise in comments. They are silly and wrong. Pay them no attention.)
Since I have a job these days - not a great one, but good enough so that I can afford a bottle of booze - I headed over to the liquor store. Unlike my fair city, Mississippi law forces its citizens to purchase liquor in designated areas, the puritans. It's also the home of one of my favorite blue laws - no alcohol sales the day before an election. Presumably, legislators feared the people would drink too much and forget to vote.
I headed to Kat's on Fortification Street, where I found a few bottles of Pyrat rum tucked away on the top shelf in fancy over-sized packaging. Score! The retailer explained they were leftover from the holiday season and they don't usually carry Pyrat. It's a good thing I made him open it for me too. The faux-pirate's chest might have looked nice, but he had a devil of a time getting it out of all that styrofoam.
If you've never had Pyrat, you're missing a delightful rum. It's dark and sweet and smooth, with hints of vanilla and grapes. Easily my favorite, ever since my buddy George poured me a glass a few years ago. Usually, Pyrat sells for about $35 for a 750 ml bottle, but these were only $22. I considered buying one that night and one to take home, but my job isn't
that good.
As you can imagine, 750 ml is a lot of rum and there was only one of me. But it was a pretty big party and the guy with the bottle of booze is everyone's friend, right? Unsurprisingly, that bottle didn't last the night.
Now, if you're the guy waltzing around with a bottle of good rum on Friday, how do you follow that up on Saturday?
My answer: Patron.